Part of the secret are our ICE PACKS 100% reusable, buy and pay once and used it forever.
Our Industrial Coolers makes it hard for the heat to reach your products. Due to the hight level of thermal insulation the little amount of heat that gets in is immediatly absorb by our ICE PACKS, especially designed for heavy industrial and commercial use.
The Ice Packs gets frozen in 8 hours over night, and are ready to be re use again every morning.


When operating large Industrial Cooler systems, many Ice Packs must be managed in an organized manner.
Some Industrial Coolers can accommodate up to 6 Ice Packs at a time, in two levels of 3 each.
A Rack has approximate external measurements of 30 x 40 inches at the base, that is, a liftle less than a standard USA pallet, and a maximum height of 6 feet.
In this image 4 racks that support 200 Ice Packs, 50 for each rack, taking up minimal space inside the freezer.
This system made it possible to eliminate
20 refrigerated trucks.